Kanye responds…

22 Oct

Kanye responds to questions about his white Jesus appearance


get rid of it, & fast!

22 Oct

I used to be one of those people that thought fasting was a bunch of poo church folks fed you to get you to stop doing something. I hate to label something I don’t fully understand or haven’t been through as crazy…I only want to know more. I’ve tried “fasting” plenty of times (one of which is documented on my blog), mostly for weight purposes like a lot of women do. I’ve seen it work for so many people (my Grandmother included, who SWEARS by fasting lol), but for me I just couldn’t get through it. So instead of just going for it, I started to ask my peers what they knew about it…which lead to me reading more information on the subject. I read things from bible scriptures to message boards. After reading more I realized I was doing it ALL WRONG. From my understanding it’s almost like a sacrifice to God for you to be healed or blessed, or just to hear Him clearer. I thought back on a time I prayed for a job and gave up smoking for a month and got a call not too long after! Then I thought back on when I fasted before vacations and upcoming photo ops I did not pray about but were only for my own satisfaction. Doing it ALL wrong lol so recently I made a list of temptations and attempted to fast from those things in return for something I desperately needed from The Most High….things I could not achieve on my own. One of my fasts were from meat…I went 12 days without meat, NO CHEATING (besides a few bites of a slim jim..didn’t realize what I was doing, but i prayed about it) and my body started feeling all types of different. I felt closer to God, I felt like I could accomplish anything through Him, I felt lighter…not just physically but mentally as well. Once my fast was over I couldn’t wait to eat a piece of chicken!! The first couple times I got sick but my body eventually got used to it. & now i’m missing how I was feeling and am debating on giving up meat as a long-term lifestyle change. WOW! I sit here and wonder….is this the outcome of my fast? Which surpasses my expectations by a long shot. I aimed for 12 days…NEVER would I have thought I would want to give it up for years and years. God I thank you for opening my eyes and my mind, I thank you for allowing me to do anything through You, I thank you for allowing me to be a walking testimony!! I have not made this permanent decision yet, but I am honest and sure about which side is better for me. All in all, I am a newly-converted believer in fasting THE PROPER WAY….& if it can work for me, it can work for anyone. TRUST ME. Thoughts???????


PS. Do Not make the mistake and confuse a fast with a diet! That was part of my mistake…calling it a fast when it really wasn’t. Part of why I was never really successful..

thin line between love and war.

22 Oct

How does it feel to be on that thin line that separates love from war? How does it feel to be torn between two feelings? How does it feel to not be able to choose between your heart and mind? Between your flesh and your spirit? It’s the most calm chaos you will ever experience. Can you choose a side? Or are you left on the fence forever? On one hand your heart is telling you about the love, the calm,the faith, the peace…and it all makes you smile. Meanwhile your mind is reminding u there’s a war going on outside; that this needs to be done, that this needs to be fixed, that you can’t get too comfortable with that peace because you will watch your life fall apart, you WILL be defeated. You choose to ignore and step over the inevitable because you feel you’re not strong enough for that fight. Being on that thin line feels stagnant, unsure of where to focus your focus. Being torn will have you on the fence saying you don’t want to go either way because no matter what, you’re not complete without having both…the peace keeps you sane and the riot makes you stronger. Can you have sanity without strength? That thin line is a mother. The best thing to do though, is to keep the peace and the riot separate. Don’t let the war make you think your love is not perfect. Peace is within and happens to be a controlled substance. But do not let that calm make you think the chaos is over. In this life, it’s never over. So in all, do you ever choose a side? Or is life one big peaceful riot….one big thin line between love and war?

Zimmerman Trial Protesters Aim to Keep Up Momentum

15 Jul

Black America Web

NEW YORK (AP) — Thousands of demonstrators from across the country — chanting, praying and fighting tears — protested a jury’s decision to clear neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager, and organizers say they’ll try to maintain the momentum with vigils next weekend.

Rallies on Sunday were largely peaceful as demonstrators voiced their support for 17-year-old Trayvon Martin’s family and decried the verdict. Police in Los Angeles said they arrested six people, mostly for failure to disperse, after about 80 protesters gathered in Hollywood on Sunset Boulevard and an unlawful assembly was declared. New York police said at least a dozen people were arrested on disorderly conduct charges during a rally in Times Square.

Advocates want federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman, who was acquitted Saturday in Martin’s 2012 shooting death. The Rev. Al Sharpton said Monday that his organization will hold…

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a strong foundation.

15 Jul

[Hello Rioters! The most High advised me to share this with my PEERS today]

The people who come to me, who listen to my teachings and obey them – I will show you what they are like: They are like a man building a house. He digs deep and builds his house on rock. The floods come, and the water crashes against the house. But the flood cannot move the house, because it was built well. But the people who hear my words and do not obey are like a man who builds a house without preparing a foundation. When the floods come, the house falls down easily and is completely destroyed.

[I challenge you guys to REBUILD your house on a STRONGER & more reliable foundation. My house is no stronger than yours, WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER :)]


14 Jul

My heart is literally hurting for the injustice served in the courtroom when it came to the murder of an innocent child. But understand this is larger than this case. This is about every black individual that walks the streets, this about black sons and black daughters, this is about what our people fought so hard for our civil rights, this is about the justice system designed to exterminate the black community! WHEN WILL ENOUGH BE ENOUGH? We will sit around and chit chat on social networks about how wrong it is but what will we DO? Not many options as far as this specific incident is concerned (besides protesting to show support and fighting for law change), but we CAN learn to stick together, stop black on black crimes, UNITE to bring equality, UNITE TO SHOW OUR POWER AND STRENGTH! Most of all FLEE Babylon as Christ demanded!!! (Revelation 18:4). I hope this is a message to all of my people. STAY WOKE!!!!!!!!! (If you are in the Philadelphia area there will be a gathering for Trayvon @Love Park, 6 pm) thank you Rioters™

blacks supporting blacks

11 Jul

Really trying to learn how to maintain & supply everything myself as far as my hair, nails, skin, & even clothing. I give too much money away to other minorities who are riding around n gettin it while so many of my people are still WALKING. i wont stand for it. [follow Pink Pharaoh ] ‪#‎jointhemovement‬ ‪#‎loveyourblack‬

Joy Naughton 2013


11 Jul

The one thing the devil told us we had a lot of…I’m realizing that. As much TIME as I would like to have just to write what’s on my mind, i don’t. But I am trying to MAKE time rioters because I LOVE THIS & I LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK! so bare with me..but always remember that whether i post once a day, once a week, or once a month…i’m sure you can always find inspiration in those messages. Thanks!!! 


5 Jun

Wow has it really been that long since I’ve been on here? Sorry Rioters I’m in VA with my sisters 🙂 will post a pic later but…I’m in thought right now.

I’m thinking about LIFE. And about what it means to be free. I mean you can’t






, without really feeling completely liberated. For me at least. I want to be at complete peace and completely enjoy what has been given to me. I want to be so wrapped up in God that if you aren’t as well, you won’t desire to be around me. Those are things I pray for. If everyone could feel the same way, more people would be more concerned with good rather than bad. Life is special. And everything happens for a reason. Do good things.

©2013 Joy Naughton

Break the Knob! New Music!!

24 May

Definitely take a listen! support the movement!!!!

NEW #BreakTheKnob by @CliffordCartel x @Capn_Kush x @Nek0_ ( http://t.co/8TuTMNHgBK )prod by @AirborneMuzik #YuckFouNation