Archive | April, 2013

2 days until I …

25 Apr

2 days until I leave for Bermuda! Can’t wait!

Sunshine & Peace signs 🙂

positive vibes

25 Apr

Hey rioters! I’ve been super busy lately, just wanted to check in and remind you guys that i appreciate every one of you! i don’t blog about anything in particular really i just get on and rant every now and again but i hope that one day my life events or story will help someone 🙂

I did want to let you guys in on something though…for the past month or so i’ve been trying this new #positivevibes, #springcleaning movement and i want to encourage each of you to hop on! Basically you start off with Spring Cleaning…getting rid of any and everything that hinders you in life or makes you feel more negative than positive. You continue with the process by not accepting anything that doesn’t bring positive vibes! There will be obstacles and problems but the goal is to handle things and keep it moving but not dwell on things that can not be changed. Keep a mind frame that only positivity can enter…i promise you will see a change in your life! were oddly connected to the universe in this grand mysterious way and our thoughts eventually become our ways of life. Think of what you want out of life and act accordingly & act peacefully.




the atoms in t…

9 Apr

the atoms in the body rotate at the same rate on the same axis that the earth rotates on giving us a direct connection with the place we live, called Earth.

-Reprise (Live Version) x  Erykah Badu

what happens next?

9 Apr

we have to appreciate the people that come into our lives, regardless of how they leave, and teach us a valuable and much-needed lesson for us to learn. as we grow older we form new relationships; and although we keep a remainder of our old ones, a lot of them are only meant to be in your lives for a season. It may be a really bad season…or a really good season, but they aren’t meant to stay. It doesn’t mean you will never see them again, you may even continue what you started. But when you ask for signs…be sure to go in that direction…instead of creating your own paths to nowhere. It’s like when you’re trying to leave a room and someone is being silly…blocking the doorway lol. & when you’re fun sized like me you’re just going to try to squeeze through, stand there and pout, or just find another way. & sometimes that other way may mean leaving something or someone behind. At least for now. At least in this life.

good vs evil

2 Apr

why don’t people appreciate good things? is it because our world is so corrupt that we do not believe in good things? or is it because we are so corrupt that we feel we do not deserve it? 

it’s a constant battle with self. but when you are the good thing, as i like to think of myself as; it becomes a simple fight between good and evil. on the good side, you have to remember that something that is not up to par…has to change on its on. like a relationship with a bad guy; we can see the potential…but the potential can not create change. it has to be wanted, desired, and almost required. you can not FORCE someone to recognize good and appreciate it.

so if you are the good thing, remain the good thing and move on from things that provoke your appropriate train of thought. if you are the bad thing, welp…don’t make the good suffer. we go through that enough. if you are trying to decide whether you want to believe in good things, or want to be able to deserve it….contact us when you’ve reached a conclusion, but don’t drag us through the process.

-Sarah Bellum


if you can make…

2 Apr

if you can make a population contract their language, you are also contracting their thinking.
